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Monday, 4 September 2017

Week 7 Home Learning - Monday


Watch some of the animal cams linked here.  
Kaylia did her speech on Endangered Animals which was awesome.  So as part of our Manaakitanga unit about ‘Doing Our Best For Other’ we could be meaning doing our best for animals too.  
List 5 things you could do to look after the environments our native animals live in.


  1. 1. Anti Poacher Program
    2. A chip that can read the condition of an animal and show it's heart beat rating
    3. Propaganda to the Poachers, hunter etc.
    4. Animal aid program ( Managed by the community )
    5. A theosophist specialised for people who abuse animals

  2. have more protected savannas raise awareness about the animal
    3.a tracking devise on them
    4.Be respectful of the environment
    5.try and Reduce your environmental impact

  3. 1. to stop reeking there habitat's
    2. pick up rubbish so they don't mistaken it as food
    3. to stop killing our native animals
    4. keep dogs on leashes when you go for bush walks
    5. build rat our possum traps to stop them from eating kiwi eggs or baby's

  4. clean up any litter you see
    plant plants
    tidy up around the roots of trees to help them grow for oxygen
    keep your own animals/pets from other properties
    be careful on the road in case there are animals

  5. pick up litter
    sort out pollution
    be careful
    dont kill them
