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Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Home Learning Week 5 Term 1

Yay you found the Room 4 Blog and are ready to do the Home Learning task for week 5.
Watch the video below and then respond the question at the bottom by posting a comment on this post.

What is something valuable you have learned from watching this video that you can apply to your own learning journey?


  1. that he had lots of brain injuries but he keep growing from good to great and persevering in his own special way.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The Message through g this video is That No matter what weakness that pulls you down, You Can always find a path to success.

  4. the message is even if you hit rock bottom the only ways is up to improve to get better it is to have a growth mindset to find your way at learning at your speed and what makes you great not good these are all messages from this video and it is also inspirational

  5. The message through this videos is That you should never take stuff to heart just keep on going and keep on going to you reach the end And if bullied put it past you

  6. the message is if you get knocked down don't give up have a growth mindset and do what you can to become how you are. and when you have a growth mindset you can become who you want to be. Alla Wynen

  7. You just have to keep on trying.Even when others doubt you. I can completely relate. I pulled out of the Morrinsville 1st
    ix cricket team. Because my coaches didn't give me a chance to prove myself.I never got to bat. Yesterday at MI cricket i bowled 5 wickets and I actually got to bat. Awesome because i don't usually get a chance to do both. I stuck with it practiced hard out at the nets. Mr Fiebig gave me an opportunity and I used it to my advantage I had an awesome day.
