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Monday, 6 November 2017

Homework Week 4 Term 4 - Monday


Watch this video about showing persistence

Comment below the answers to these questions

1.  What is the message of this video?
2.  Why have they chosen this song to accompany this video?
3.  What is something you are going to persist with this term?  
Mrs VW is going to persist with those box jumps :)


  1. 1 Don't give up on things that u can't do, 2 I don't know, my long jump

  2. A1: The message that they're sending across to their audience is that even if you fail once, it doesn't means it's over
    A2: To get that momentum of encouragement to others
    A3: I'm going to persist with my knowledge to future activities

  3. 1. the message in this video is to ever give up and it is okay to fail, you just have to try, try again
    2.they have chosen this song to accompany the video because the lyrics say exactly what the massage that they are sending out is.
    3. i am going to persist in a dance move that i have been struggling to get.
