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Monday, 18 September 2017

Week 9 Homework - Monday


Watch this video up until about 3 minutes.

Perseverance is something that aligns itself with our school's motto 'Empowering Learners To Succeed'.  Below in the habits of the mind it talks about the habit of persisting, this is the verb for Perseverance.  Comment on this blog post about a time in your life when you have displayed perseverance.  Be descriptive and specific.


  1. I reckon If we all persevere
    We can all achieve!!👍

  2. I was persisting at Dance. I was stuck on a move and I could not get it and i came up with a way and i achieved it!!! :)

  3. in school cross country. my legs started getting red, itching and saw but i wanted to keep running and not start walking

  4. I was struggling Abseil down a cliff once but I persevered and didn't give up from the top to the bottom. And I did it abseiled down a 60 metre cliff.

  5. I was struggling to do a double front flip but I preserved and kept on trying and I got it and now I can do one.

  6. I was struggling at rugby league but I preserved and we won the game

  7. Whenever I make mistakes i normally feel sad and want to give up so i was baking at home i was making a brownie and then i poured most of it on the ground on accident so i was about to give up but i didn't after my dad helped me clean up i finished it and it was the best brownie i ever made
