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Sunday, 29 October 2017

What Happened In Week 1 and 2

Term 4 Homework - Week 3 Monday


Watch the video above which illustrates examples of both good and bad teamwork.  Comment below on some of the differences between the two types.  What makes good teamwork and what makes not so good teamwork?

Teamwork is using your 'Thinking Interdependently' Habit of the Mind

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Diwali Slideshows - Week 1 Term 4


During the first week of Term 4 Room 2 did a mini research activity to look at the significance of the Indian celebration Diwali.  Our Inquiry this term is based around Whakawhanaungatanga - doing our best for or community.  As part of this we feel it is important to acknowledge the cultures that make up our learning community - Tainui Team.
Check out our Slideshows below...

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Reflecting on Week 1 and 2

Becoming A Reflective Thinker...

Using your 'Applying Past Knowledge To New Situations' Habit of the Mind comment below on something you have learned in the past two weeks that you are going to continue to use in the weeks to come.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Term 4 Homework - Week 2 Monday



Above are two videos that display some pretty amazing natural phenomenon in the world we live in.  By watching these videos you are practising your habit of the mind - Responding with Wonderment and Awe.  

Watch the videos and then comment on this post what you think this habit is about.  
Why is it an important habit for us to practise?  
Why will we be better people and learners because of this habit?